- AUSTRALIA, Tasmania: An End-Date for Tobacco Sales, Action on Smoking and Health http://www.ashaust.org.au/lv4/enddate-htm/
- CANADA: The Winnable Battle: Ending Tobacco Use in Canada, Canadian Public Health Association http://www.cpha.ca/uploads/positions/position-paper-tobacco_e.pdf
- FINLANDIA: Finland Smoke-Free by 2040: New era for tobacco-free life, Savuton Suomi 2040 http://savutonsuomi.fi/en/
Ministry of Social Affairs and Health http://www.stm.fi/en/welfare/substance_abuse/tobacco
The Tobacco Act 2010, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health http://www.finlex.fi/fi/laki/kaannokset/1976/en19760693.pdf - FRANCIA: Programme national de réduction du tabagisme (PNRT) http://www.gouvernement.fr/lutte-contre-le-tabagisme-un-plan-d-action-choc
- IRLANDA: Tobacco Free Ireland, Tobacco Policy Review Group http://static.rasset.ie/documents/news/tobacco-free-ireland.pdf
- NUOVA ZELANDA: The Smokefree Coalition, http://www.sfc.org.nz/index.php
Smokefree by 2025, http://smokefree.org.nz/smokefree-2025
New Zealand tobacco control, research strategy 2009-2012, Tobacco Control Research Steering Group http://www.auahikore.org.nz/sites/default/files/TCR-STRATEGY-20090903-1.pdf - SCOZIA: Taking action on smoking and health http://www.ashscotland.org.uk/what-we-do/supply-information-about-tobacco-and-health/key-topics/tobacco-endgames.aspx
Creating a tobacco-free generation: A Tobacco Control Strategy for Scotland, The Scottish Government http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Resource/0041/00417331.pdf - SINGAPORE: Tobacco-Free Millennium Generation: Toward Tobacco-Free Singapore. Protect young Singaporeans from tobacco forever, http://www.tobaccofreesingapore.info/the-facts/the-solution/
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